Chomsky’s UG. How can it be exploited in SLA research?
Universal grammar
can be simply defined as a set of universal innate principles of grammar
shared by all languages.That a child will not be able to learn its
mother tongue without a set of innate principles ,because the linguistic
data it is exposed to are too poor is the central point of the UG.The
theory given by the American linguist Chomsky, attempts to explain
language acquisition in general, not describe specific languages.The key
features of the UG are given below.
UG consists of
different kinds of universals.Chomsky identifies two types:substantive
and formal.Substantive universals consist of fixed features such as the
distinctive phonetic features of which sounds are made or syntactic
categories such as noun,verb,and object.Formal universals are more
abstract.They are statements about what grammatical rules are possible
in languages.
and substantive universals are constrains and therefore delimit the
options by setting parameters which must then be fixed according to the
particular input data that the child obtains.
So,the principles and parameters which can be defined as a framework in human brain make UG possible. UG holds a
set of principles and parameters arranged into modules such as Binding
Theory and it is a computation system that ranges from the component of Phonological Form to the component of Logical Form ,that is ,from ’sound’ to ’meaning’.
rules the child learns can be unmarked or marked.The universals that
the child learns form the core grammar and the distinctive features are
termed as peripheral.
sum up, there are some innate universal principles without which a
child cannot master his mother tongue.But the input data are also a must
as the input triggers the LAD.
Effects of UG parameters on L2A
There are
certain principles of UG that vary from language to language. The
variation is built into UG in the form of parameters with different
settings. Parameter settings between the L1 and the L2 may be both
identical and different. If identical, L2 learners need not result it:
but if different they have to reset it. Again when a particular
parameter is not available in the L1, the learners have to activate it
newly in their L2. Thus on these issues the UG hypothesis makes a number
of important observations that best explain L2A. For instance, as
White(1989) points out, though UG is available in L2A, it cannot
necessarily interact immediately with the L2 input. The initial
hypothesis that works in the mind of the learners is that L1 parameter
value applies to it. As a result L2 learners initially use L1 parameter
value to organize the L2 data that causes transfer effects in the
interlanguae. However, finally L2 learners become able to reset the
parameter setting appropriate to the L2. Towell and Hawkins(1994) also
express the same view. According to them this transfer of L1 parameter
setting can have two effects. If the setting in the L2 happens to be the
same as the setting in the L1, then the learner should get grammatical
properties of the L2 which are dependent on that parameter setting right
from the very beginning of acquisition. Where the settings differ
between the L1 and the L2 the learner would initially be expected to get
wrong grammatical properties in the L2 dependent on that parameter
Some of the
empirical studies done on the use of parameter setting also show
positive evidence for the UG hypothesis. White refers to three pro-drop
parameter studies, one carried out by herself and the other two by
Phinncy(1987) and Hilles(1986) each of which clearly suggests that
Spanish learners of English become finally able to avoid omission of
subject-nouns and free subject-verb inversion in English, though at the
initial stage L1 interference occurs. Towell and Hawkins (1994) mention
the study by Hulk (1991) that investigated the acquisition of French
word order by a group of Dutch speaking subjects. Hulk’s finding also
reveal that in spite of the presence of L1 value at early stages, Dutch
learners gradually become able to reset the parameter setting and
acquire French word order. Another grammatically judgment task by White
1988cited in White1989, p.113) on Subjacency violation suggests that
native speakers of French are able to recognize “S” as a bounding node
for Subjacency in English, though in French “S” is not a bounding node.
The concept of
markedness is one more important issue to be discussed here.
Researchers have used this as a source of explanation and prediction in
L2A. According to Ellis markedness theory can help to explain why some
differences between the native and the target language lead to learning
difficulty, while other differences do not.” Markedness refers to those
aspects of a language that are unnatural and complex. If a parameter has
more than one value, one of them is said to be more natural than the
other. So, the natural one is unmarked and the other is marked.
According to UG, “unmarked aspects of grammar are those that are
directly related to Universal Grammar and form the “core”: marked
aspects are less directly related to Universal Grammar and form the
“peripheral grammar”. Therefore, from markedness study one prediction
can logically be deducted that L2 learners will find unmarked aspects of
the L2 much easier to learn than marked ones, because unmarked aspects
are directly related to UG. Moreover, since unmarked aspects are easier
to learn, if can also be assumed that unmarked settings will occur in
interlanguage before marked settings. Furthermore, the masrkedess
concept offers a good explanation of L1 interference in the L2 grammars.
The concept suggests that L2 learners will always tend to transfer
unmarked values of the L1 to their interlanguage. The study by
Mazurkewich 1984 shows that French learners of English find unmarked
“pied-piping” sentences like
3.a To whom did John give the book
easier than marked “preposition-stranding” sentences like
3.a Who did John give the book to
Thus markedness study demonstrates further evidence that UG is effective and plays a vital role in explaining L2A.
3. Counter Arguments
So far an
attempt has been made to consider the evidence that has led some of the
researchers to assume that UG plays a crucial role in L2A. But there are
many researchers who hold contrary views. According to them UG is not
accessible to L2 learners, and hence cannot play any role in L2A. They
also differ with some of the basic assumptions made by the UG based
researchers. Besides, a number of empirical studies also strengthen
their position against the UG hypothesis some of which are mentioned
and Long claim that the input is not degenerate because “both caretaker
speech and language addressed to non-native speakers have been found to
be well-formed.” As cited in Melaughlin, Schachter has pointed out that
“phenomena such as confirmation checks, clarification requests, and
failures to understand quality as negative input.” Thus the poverty of
the stimulus argument has been under attack. The argument of
Structure-dependence is also refuted by Parker 1989(mentioned in
Larsn-Freeman and Long 1991). Parker argues that the rule of
structure-dependence can be gathered from the input, it does not require
any innate knowledge. She also raises questions about Subjaccency
effects. She illustrates that Subjaccency effects “can be accounted for
without recourse to innate linguistic knowledge: through the assumption
in a theory of learning of a preference for continuity.” In another
grammatically judgment task by Schatcher as White reports Korean and
Indonesian learners failed to reject Subjaccency violations. The theory
of markedness also causes much debate. Various definitions have been
used. As a result, same aspects are classified as unmarked by one
researcher and marked by another. It is not true either that L2 learners
always acquire or transfer unmarked form. In a related study, White
1983 finds that sometimes learners carry over marked constructions from
the L1 to the L2.
As mentioned,
it is clear that no uniform view can be established about the role of UG
in L2A. There are both arguments and counter-arguments on the issue.
Empirical studies have done so far also reveal mixed findings. But the
research in the domain is still in its initial stage and has been
restricted to a very limited area. Until the research is carried out in
other untrodden area of L2A no final judgment on the issue is possible.
However, on the basis of findings revealed so far against and for the
hypothesis, it becomes evident that researchers tend to use UG as a
source of hypothesis about L2A. In this case at least, it is to be
admitted that UG can be used very effectively. It helps in a great deal
to explain many of the problems of L2A that could otherwise have been
left unresolved. It helps to make some important predictions
particularly about interlanguage and transfer effects of the
L.1.Therefore, it can be affirmed that Universal Grammar plays a crucial
role in second language acquisition and more research on the issue
might explore new dimensions.
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